Advancing the Arts of the African American Experience

Welcome to the national website of The Pierians, Incorporated
A message from our President…
Welcome! It is with great excitement and honor that I greet you as the 17th National President of The Pierians, Incorporated. Our remarkable organization, founded by Annette C. Johnson on December 13, 1958, in Baltimore, MD, began with a visionary leader and nine trailblazing women as the charter members of our very first chapter.
Today, The Pierians, Incorporated continue to carry forward the rich legacy of our founders with pride. We are a collective of women united in our shared passion for the arts and our dedication to advancing their presence in our communities. Our mission remains strong:
To bring together women who are deeply committed to promoting the fine arts and other creative endeavors
To inspire and nurture the next generation of artists by providing awards and recognition to emerging talents
To uplift and support local artists and art institutions
To deepen the enjoyment and understanding of the arts through educational pursuits and community engagement
Since our inception, we have grown to charter 16 chapters, and I am thrilled to share that we expanded this year with the addition of another chapter.. Our national theme, “Advancing the Arts of the African American Experience,” guides our work, and we remain steadfast in our role as champions and advocates for the arts in our respective communities.
We are committed to amplifying the voices and visions of young and emerging artists, offering our encouragement and support as they develop their artistry. Together, we will continue to honor the legacy of our past, uplift those in the present, and forge a vibrant artistic path that connects generations.
Let us move forward with creativity, collaboration, and inspiration.
Artistically Yours,
Sylvia T. Hollifield